Ever since adopting the Pitbull mix named Gaga from the Helping Hounds animal shelter in Providence Rhode Island, Pat and Pat Crump knew there was something terribly off with Gaga’s demeanor.
He always seemed anxious. Just not himself. Multiple times we found Mister Gaga trying to nurse our cats kittens, almost motherly. When ever Gaga had social interaction there were issues as well. We would bring him to the dog park but he would only interact with the male dogs and snip at the other females quite aggressively to chase them off.
Mr. Gaga on more than one occasion let the local Saint Bernard Mount him. When intervening Pat was bit two times in the hand. He drew blood and then quickly returned to his doggy business.
Instead of turning our back on him we brought him to renowned animal expert and psychology Dr. Linda sample.
The answer was as simple as it was obvious, Doctor Sample discovered Mr Gaga was uncomfortable as a male dog and wished to transition into what he most related to, a female.
Dr. Sample referred Pat and Pat as well as their dog Mister Gaga to the Lopping Log veterinary hospital where the top animal doctor and plastic surgeon Gregory Kuntzman outlined his goal which would lead to the world’s first canine genitalia reassignment operation.
“Mister Gaga’s male dog penis would be filleted, tucked inside out and then tucked in, in essence, turning it into a sock” says Dr. Kunzman.
While Mr Gaga could not actually birth puppies, the new genitalia would satisfy the mental itch poor Mister Gaga had been battling.
Kunzman continued:
Creating a virtual canine vagina with patented 3D printing technology was the easy part. We studied the most famous of all female examples: Lassie, that one dog from Homeward Bound and my mother-in-law Karen who most resembles Mr. Gaga.
After three hours of both plastic and genetic surgery enhancements Mr. Gaga was awake, tail wagging and all smiles with her new vagina and new name too! Pat and Pat decided to legally chante her name to “Prissy Poo”! A happy ending for the Pat’s and their pooch too.
UPDATE: we regret to inform our readers that Prissy had been battling with her inner demons for some time. It has been reported that Prissy repeatedly ran into her neighboring Farms electric fence until the shock became too much and took her life, committing suicide. Prissy Poo was 4 years old.
The Truth
He killed himself because they let someone fillet his dick. Did it ever occur to them that maybe he was just a gay dog. Unless there is a physical medical issue putting the dog at risk, this shit should be illegal. Its animal abuse. Leave ur fuckin dog alone u sick fucks!!! They should never be allowed to own a dog again.