As the chains are wrapped around General Lee’s arm and his statue viciously brought to the ground, Bernie Sanders, Beto O’Rourke an AOC salute the fallen soldier and then high five each other.
In South Carolina and now the rest of the nation, the last of the Confederate monuments have been torn down and these top Democrats say they’re moving on to bigger and better things.
Our very own Michael Tenpenny, veteran field reporter speaks with the politicians today at a South Carolina county office building.
The ever chatty AOC was one of the first to chime in when asked what was next now that all of the Confederate monuments in America have been destroyed:
The statues were just the tip baby. We’re still being oppressed by Confederates to this very day. Did you know there are thousands of them in Arlington Cemetery? Like, why are they even there? Clearly they were all like fighting to own slaves. I think it’s only fair to remove all of the Confederate headstones because they are totally monuments to an evil empire hell-bent on enslaving an entire race.
A Provident Texas historian by the name of Michael Kohler was also on site telling us that the average Southerner during that time frame was too poor to ‘own a horse let alone a Slave” which was double the price:
Schools used to teach that many Southerners were fighting over states rights and if you look at it from a common-sense perspective it really does make sense. Why would thousands of men young and old leave their families and go die for something they never owned and never would own. That being a Slave.
Still we have that dickwad Bernie Sanders blowing his pie hole like he knows anything about our history.
Bernie Sanders grabbed the microphone from the hand of AOC mid-sentence cutting her off like it was some sort of debate:
Headstones are not enough people. I am starting a common-sense proposal that we dig up all of the Confederate soldiers right now and relocate them to a mass grave in Southern Florida. It only makes sense. These soldiers were not true Americans. Hundreds of years later Confederates are still hurting the feelings of my people. This ends today.
Beto O’Rourke agreed, responding:
Los confederados estaban equivocados. Espero que todos mueran. Dos veces. It ‘s tiempo para desenterrarlos y reubicarlos. Pisd en ellos.
All things Confederate have been a sore subject lately for a little less than half of America. Once the flags, monuments and graves have been removed experts believe they will be at peace and the fighting should subside.
What do you think? Will relocating Confederate soldiers finally fix their wounded hearts? Or will they directly move on to something else next after they get their way?
mark haney
these communist scum bags are looking to start another civil war
Taffie Saxon
What will be next world war one soldiers?
Jeanette Morehead
They sure as hell better not!!
Sherrill Durbin
This is a joke website.
Wayne Bryant
This should tell every American, how little our politicians know of our history. Their soul purpose is to dumbing down our children